Introducing the Crafty Wheel of the Year, starting with Imbolc!
We are celebrating making this year, with our Wheel of the Year Craft kits! We've chosen a different craft for each of the 8 witchy holidays: Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lammas, Mabon, Samhain, and Yule, and we'll be offering these kits a month before the holiday (except for this first one, because the beginning of the year is bonkers, as we all know).
For Imbolc, we are quilting, on a very sweet and wee scale, with our Heart Throb Quilt project! Check out the listing for all of the details, and snag your first kit today!
Keep your eyes peeled for these dates/holidays to make the most of your crafty year (we'll be debuting the kits in our newsletter & on social media one month prior to the holiday date):
Ostara: 3/20
Beltane: 5/1
Litha: 6/21
Lammas: 8/1
Mabon: 9/22
Samhain: 10/31
Yule: 12/21
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