FUNdles are here!
We are feeling happy and hopeful about the new year, and are ready to party in the most fibery way possible, with monthly fat quarter/yarn FUNdles, new looms (coming in Feb), new kits, and more coming at you all year from the Craft Emporium! Get your FUNdle now!
We’re celebrating so many things this month: the dawning of a new year, the first marks on a brand-new planner, Knitted Wit’s Sweet 16, and so many fresh beginnings, so we knew we wanted our first FUNdle to scream celebration. We started with the Birthday line of fabric from Sarah Watts for Ruby Star Society, and just kind of exploded in celebration from there (no, seriously, check out our video on Instagram to see a (gentle) explosion of happiness and celebration!)
First, we put an 8-fabric Fat Quarter set together, using a rainbow of goodness from the Birthday line:
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